Kickstart Course

With Eddie's Kickstart Course, you will learn the basics of video making within one day. After the training, you can immediately start scripting and filming on your own.

You will learn how to write a script (getting from a wish or idea to a concrete script). You'll also learn the fundamentals of filming and working with our platform.

You can start making your own videos right away!

This is Eddie's Kickstart Course


Our the Kickstart Course (for max 8 people) is only €1.450!

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Feedback bases learning

After the Kickstart Course, you keep learning through feedback and online film lessons that we will offer you based on your learning points. This is how you grow as a professional and as an organisation in video making.

How does that work? Every time that you finish a video, our editor will give you feedback on the footage you shot. In the feedback you will find direct links to our online filming programe. It contains 7 courses that teach you everything you need to know to shoot the best videos. You’ll learn about how to shoot the best footage with your smartphone. But other courses also teach you how to record interviews, cover shots, vlogging… it's as easy as 1-2-3!