9. Steady shot

Smartphone filming - Do's and Don't while shooting

Eddie Fwyos 9.steadyshot Finalbb 28032022hq


  • Hold your smartphone with both hands to avoid shaky footage
  • Make sure your finger doesn't end up in front of the lens
  • Check if your hand doesn't block the microphone
  • Lean your hands or elbows on a surface for extra stability
  • Or hold your arms close to your body when filming someone else
  • When filming yourself: look into the lens, not at the screen
  • When filming yourself: hold the camera at eye-level or slightly above it
  • When interviewing someone else: hold the camera next to you, and have the interviewee look at you instead of the camera


Make two recordings:

  • Film someone else using the camera on the back of your smartphone
  • Film yourself using the camera on the front your smartphone

See if you can create steady footage with the guidelines from this video.